The Quiet Power of Kindness

The media would have everyone believe the world is filled with hate and violence and nothing else. We don’t agree. The good in this world outweighs the bad—the bad just has a louder voice. Kombat with Kindness stands as proof that love is more powerful than hate.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."

—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


These words from Dr. King are both the inspiration for and embodiment of our mission. Kombat With Kindness is a student-led anti-bullying and inclusion initiative that uses acts of kindness to eliminate bullying, social isolation, and violence in schools.


The Strength

of Students

Kombat with Kindness works with student allies who pledge to befriend and love anyone who needs it. They do everything from small acts of kindness like holding open doors to mentoring and supporting at-risk or outcast students.

Signs of Solidarity 

Allies wear t-shirts and bracelets in black and pink to show fellow students that they are envoys of kindness and love—and with allies spread throughout the school, students in need know there’s always someone they can turn to.


Custom-made kindness

We encourage schools to take ownership of their KWK initiative—like Hilliard City High Schools whose students designed a white/green logo, or Utah Valley University which held a week-long “Kind-Off” with daily kindness challenges.